Auckland City Football Club
"The People's Club"
Join us here: messageboard for "dreams and songs to sing of the glories round the fields of Sandringham."
All Whites v Hungary, Mt Smart Stadium, February 1982: “Bobby Almond is Magic”; “NZ 11 Wonders of the World”; “We had the Roos for breakfast, Then we had Chinese, Now we’re getting Hungary”.
If you’re not keen on the above then how’s about a “Spirit of ’82” angle. You know, dust off your Naranjito t-shirts (as modelled by a youthful Ooh Aah Rufer below) or dress up as your favourite ’82 All White – I’ve included a few (eerily similar) portraits here.
Failing all that, add a bit of credibility to the occasion by wearing your Kingz strip (first season baseball strip, infamous fifth season Chelsea shirt etc). I know I’ll be holding up my vintage Football Kingz scarf – the original Stantiall production with the sticky screenprint!
Ladies and gentleman, Mr Ric Le Roc “I could feel at the time there was no way of knowing...”:
[left click on above link then choose download or play]
I’ve been pretty keen on getting All Whites fans to sing O Epoe Tooki Tooki at matches. I reckon the circularity and “boy scout camp fire sing-a-long” nature of that song would make it a good terrace chant. Here’s the Wiggles doing it (apparently the words translate as something like “At night up straight, at night up straight thrusting” which is kind of peculiar for a children’s song):
It could be our “Doe a deer”:
Football culture and New Zealand have never really been a good fit – much like football culture and Australia, the Pacific, North America and Canada. I like the idea of embracing those elements which have made it difficult for football culture to take off in this country – you know, finding cool in the uncool/finding football in the un-football. For example, the term “soccer”. It’s clear to me that NZ Football should have stuck with the name NZ Soccer/Soccer NZ as the term “soccer” is quite frankly much more hip. I mean, how great is Johannesburg's new “Soccer City”? See also the “Celtic Soccer Crew” and Auckland’s own “City Soccer Casuals”. As another example, it took a Burton Albion supporting mate of mine to awaken me to the idea of singing “All Whites! Maori Army!” at matches.