Sunday, June 10, 2012

"It is to do with corporate whims."

"...I think I would leave, and the comparison between Henry Norris in 1910 and Mr Very-Rich now is instructive.  What Norris did was rescue a failing club [Woolwich Arsenal].  He determined that moving to north London was fundamental to the long term survival of the club, and so he delivered on that.  But the changing of colours, as in the case of Cardiff, and the changing of the name as with SV Austria Salzburg, is nothing to do with the good of the club.  It is to do with corporate whims.  That’s the difference.

But there is more.  There is the question: what happens if Mr Very-Rich gets up and goes away?  Or worse, turns out to be a crook.  That then is the problem.  Rangers, let us not forget, were incredibly successful in Scotland, winning the league nine times in a row, among other things.  Portsmouth won the FA Cup in England.  And now both are… well, in a mess."

Read more here:- If trophies were on offer where do you draw the line?  Move ground?  New colours?  New name?

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