Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Dad buys Tango

This post is for Benjamin (see comments to Monday, November 2, 2009 “Memory, All alone in the moonlight…” post below) and anyone else who has “…ever really, really really loved a…” football. I’m not sure if you can make it out, but amongst other things the receipt says: “The Farmers’ Trading Co. Ltd… 1 x Tango Rosario Soccer ball - $73.50(!!)… Sports & Fishing Equipment… 06/07/82…”.

Me and our kid definitely loved that Tango Rosario Trilast. It was used sparingly and, after each use, it was always gently wiped down with a warm wet cloth and liberally caressed with leather polish. It was heavy as hell (even on a dry day). You could break your leg kicking that thing and those of you who have seen me run the 100 metres during the half time break of a Sunday 9am (pre-church) Kingz match at Ericsson will know that my legs aren’t exactly bulging with muscles - unlike Monsieur R Duncan.

I’m not sure where the Rosario fits in the line of Tango footballs. It was only later that I realised that the ball used in ’82 was the Espana not the Rosario – I just thought it was the same ball being knocked about by Rossi, Rumenigge, Maradona, Platini, McIlroy, Zico et al out on the fields of sunny Spain (hence it says “Official FIFA World Cup design”on one of the pentagons). I still have it – only the bladder has shrunken right up inside and so I can’t locate the nozzle to inflate it. Does anyone have any remedies for a Tango Rosario with a shrunken bladder?

You’re right Benjamin, that iconic triangular Tango design lends itself to be drawn on a variety of things, including school books.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Simon and the Admiral

Oh Ryan Nelsen you are the love of my life,
Oh Ryan Nelsen I'd let you shag my wife,
Oh Ryan Nelsen you're Kiwi through and through.

Monday, November 9, 2009

Team Wellington v Auckland City, 4:15pm Saturday 14 November 2009

What a kerfuffle! This game has been scheduled to be played in Wellington for over 2 months now - but it seems that it's only in the last couple of weeks that they've worked out that Newtown Park is doubled booked and so the k.o. has had to be pushed back from 2pm to 4:15pm. Who's to blame? I can only assume that when the good folk at Team Wellington learnt back in August that the game was to be played down there they contacted Newtown Park who were able to wisely inform them that the Park was already booked and then the good folk at Team Wellington immediately reported this to the good people at New Zealand Football. I can only assume, therefore, that it's not until the last couple of weeks that the good people at NZ Football have cleared their voicemail/checked their fax machine/looked at their email and realised the problem. Maybe I've got this all wrong.

Why do they make it so difficult for us supporters to support the game in this country? What could've been a leisurely day in the sun and a huge gate for Team Wellington has been tarnished somewhat by this balls up.

Anyway, we'll all still be there. Feel free to join us if you want to sink a few beers, run through a few All Whites chants, reminisce about the olden days, celebrate NZ football, slap each others thighs, wrestle etc etc.

I can only hope that to atone for the balls up, whoever was responsible has provided plenty of free transport to get people from Newtown Park back to the Westpac Trust Stadium in time for for the All Whites k.o.

keep on keeping on

Why do birds suddenly appear...

One of these three played professional football at Rotherham. Which one?

Lynfield College apparently

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Tickets!! Anybody! Probably stuck in a queue or something

OK, so it seems a good number of the football hardcore either aren't going or haven't been able to get tickets. Which begs the question - just who has bought these 30,000-odd tickets? Dear God, please don't let this be an Old Trafford affair (tour parties eating icecreams in the stand during crucial Champions League matches) or another David Beckham fiasco.

Tea towel

Who would've thought. Thanks to Tony for the image.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Biscuit tin

Does anyone have a picture of the '82 coaster set? Roy?